Friday, May 24, 2019

Unknown Nuisance Vehicle Parking
 (Horror Poems)

By, Ganesh Padmanabhan


We are always a united one
We always have integrity
We are independent
But we are also jealous

We have happiness
But we are also selfish
We wish to have freedom
But do not think the other way

We know him
We liked him
We punished him
But still we let him.

We are undisputable
We can win
We are questioned
We have to answer

Unknown Nuisance vehicles parking:-

1.       Unknown vehicles:-
Unknown vehicles can't be parked
Unknown vehicles are nuisances
Unknown disturbances are unwanted
Unknown nuisance vehicle parking is a threat

2.       Effects:-
It is a kind of roudism
It is not allowed near educational campus
It can create enough rumors
It can generate fear

3.       Disturbance:-
It can create unknown fear and anger
It is a kind of threatening and blackmailing
It gives privacy problems
It is a real disturbance

4.       Behavior:-
It teases boys and girls
It teases men and women
It teases Old aged people
It teases workers

5.       Need not worry:-
It happens in a public place
It is simply a nuisance
Actually it need not be a worry
But it is a freedom problem

6.       For how many years:-
It is a disturbance to normality
It is a routines disturbance
It is a violence motivator
And for how many number of years standing?

7.       Residential Area:-
It could be full of lies
It could be fuel of protest speeches
It could have real truths
But how could it be in a residential area?

8.       In Front:-
It cannot be near offices.
What about using mobiles and cell phones?
How can one have freedom of speech
If vehicles are parked in front?

9.       Life:-
What about the holidays?
What about the holidays?
What about the absence?
What about the attendance?

10.       Pick up & Drop:-
What about the pickup and drop facility?
What about employment?
What about business?
What about real life?

11.       What to do?
What is immediate departure?
What is exit?
What is cancellation?
What is continuation?

12.       where are they?
What happens to education?
What happens to vacating?
What happens to lecturers?
What happens to professors?

13.       Workers:-

What about the guidance?
What about the duties
Of ayahs, peons and others?
What about the drivers?

14.       Duty:-
What happens to office room duty?
What happens to parents and colleges associations?
What about old students associations?
What about old professors associations?

15.       Scope and responsibility:-
What about area councilor?
What about the area State Minister?
What about area M.P.?
What about the education minister?

16.       Children:-
What says the law and order department?
What about the real local building watchman?
What about the eligibility?
What happens to student’s career and life?

17.       Bombardment:-
What is the scope of affect?
What is the scope of effect?
What is watchman?
What is security?

18.       Cash:-
What is the power of the
Local security camera?
What is the power of
Building treasurer in office?

19.       Cash:-
What about the student Pocket money?
What about the compensation?
What about the damage
To college buildings done?

20.       Who the hell are you?
Who will repair the damage?
What about the public in the street?
Is there any one to hear
the woes behind the unknown vehicle?

21.       Who ordered?
How many ordered the parking?
How many permitted the parking?
How many drivers are changing?
How safe is the drive?

22.    License:-
Do drivers have a license?
Who will check the license?
Is it a valid one?
Is this vehicle a registered one?

23.    Pollution:-
How much noise does it make?
Where is it parked?
What is noise & air pollution?
Where are the medicines and compensation?

24.    Scene:-
Is this the same vehicle everday?
Is this the same way everyday?
Is this the same method everyday?
Is this the same blinking everyday?

25.    What?
Can anyone speak about it?
Can anyone ask about it?
Can anyone know about it?
Whose problem is it anyway?

26.    Real problem no problem:-
It is politics?
Is it any issue?
Is it ego?
Or is it pure fear of loss?


I want to live
I want to study
I want to make love
I want to enjoy

I like the society
I like to support
I like freedom
But I can see you suffer

I like my family
I can see you cry
Please do not cry
Because I am here for you

I came a long way
To raise you and support you
I have enough money
For the rest of our life

Try to forget your old life
And start a new life
Sins are always sins
Please pray to god to forgive

I can crush the vehicle
But the vehicle is already gone
Threat is not gone, but
Believe me, I am there for you.  

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